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When Communication become a king of Business

Yah from the first communication I have become a mandatory requirement, where each person can not live without other people (Pelajaan PPKn Children SD) wkwkwkkwk, communication can be done orally, in writing and also signal / body language. In the days that have been advanced this many types of communication equipment such as phones, Mobile, Computers, Television and others.
But there is a new feel different since millenium era,
Competition carrier in the country is increasingly rampant We first I know Telkomsel and Indosat, but now is more, each operator started the campaign with the costs of "strange" to set a specific time or conditions that essentially only fool people who are still Chardonnay shallow.

Telecommunications is a land of fresh business because it does not include the limited needs such as oil, but whether friends know that in our countries is the cost of communication through frequency (similar CDMA) through tools such as the pager is free, I know from my father's, are quite expensive device and I menghubungin people must communicate through intermediaries such as Pak Police" context, to the 123 ", tgak since when it has a frequency fees paid to the government so that I rarely use my tools.
Telkom as the only home phone service (first) I can also relax, start-coming rival competitor that offers a new home phone costs cheaper.
Internet now also become incaran various investors, I know I just 1 ISP namely Apnic instant-yangmake Dial-up connection but now Indosat M2, SPEEDY, Telkomsel Flash, and local ISPs involved with the brisk competition of better services and affordable prices.
Communication costs can be very expensive, whether you know the price to stick ads in costumes Manchester United? I wuih happiness ......
so the future will depend on the selling price of communication as to our future generation will bring changes to a business telecommunications system in our country is.

Indosat Blog Contest (SinyalKuat.co.cc)

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